
Yoga Classes


The physical practice becomes conscious and merging with the practice of the spirit, offering empowerment, healing and self-knowledge. Highly experienced teachers of the traditional yoga system deliver courses for all levels. The physical practice (yoga asanas), is complemented by breathing techniques (pranayama), deep relaxation techniques (yoga nidra) and meditation techniques (dyana).

Yoga definition

Yoga originates from the Sanskrit word “Yuj” meaning “to join”, “to unite”. This is what a yoga practitioner attempts to achieve; the union of his mind, body and spirit.

The exact translation of the word “Yuj” is the physical device used to join cattle or horses. This device was used to calm the horses down and make them focused at once, just like the way yoga is used as a tool to tame the mind and bring about balance, coordination and concentration.


Yogas chitta vritti nirodhah” (sutra 1.2, Patanjali)

Yoga is the removal of the fluctuations of the mind

Yoga Practice

Yoga Poses – Asanas

In the western world yoga is mainly associated with physical practice and impressive asanas, while in fact, physical practice is only a small piece, just a step in the long path of yoga that leads to freedom.

Imagine the tip of the iceberg representing the physical practice of yoga. What people can’t see below the water surface is a complete philosophy, a value system, a way of life that is able to transform body and spirit. Physical practice is supplemented by breathing techniques (Pranayama), relaxation techniques (Yoga Nidra) and meditation, all of which are being taught at Om Shanti Academy. The practice of meditation is a unique gift, a means of self-awareness and self-improvement. The majority of yoga classes in Om Shanti Academy, include meditation practice through different techniques, thus introducing practitioners to this unique gift of life.